10 September 2024

Sabri Qur’aan Learning Center

The childern are learning The Holy Qur'aan


What is the Qur’aan?

First of all, it is important to know Holy Qur’aan is the holy word of Allah.Which Allah revealed to the last Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) through revelation to guide the jinns and humans until the Day of Resurrection.
(As Allah says in verse 2 of Surah Baqarah and verse 138 of Surah Aal Imran.)
The Supreme Book in which there is no room for doubt. In it is guidance for those who fear.


What’s The meaning of “the Qur’an” and its language?

Quran means the book to be read, Indeed, the most read book in the world is the Holy Quran.Which is read by millions of people all over the world all the time.. The Holy Quran was revealed in Arabic language with tajweed.


What’s Tajweed ?

Sadly, many people, especially in Asia, don’t even understand what Tajweed is.In India there is no difference between “ث” in Arabic and “ث” in Urdu.

Do you know that recitation of the Holy Quran is obligatory with Tajweed?
Do you want to read the Holy Quran with Tajweed?
Get enrolled soon to learn to recite the Holy Quran with Tajweed.

Enroll in any course as per your convenience.

100% Free Classes
Duration :    45:00 Minute
Mode       :   Online

100% Free Classes
Duration :    45:00 Minute
Mode       :   Online

Fee after test
Duration :    45:00 Minute
Mode       :   Online

100% Free Class
Duration :    120:00 Minute
Mode       :   Offline Varanasi