12 September 2024

Islam and the concept of public service

Serving and helping God’s creatures in lawful matters for obtaining the pleasure of God is called service of the people.

Love for humanity, compassion and helping the needy are praised in every religion. But the religion of Islam has declared the service of humanity as good conduct and great worship.

There are two types of worship in Islam:

(1) Physical (2) Financial

The primary purpose of financial worship is to serve the people, so Zakat is commanded in several places in the Qur’an along with prayer. And financial worship sometimes becomes a substitute for physical worship or the lack of physical worship is filled by financial worship.

Social service also needs time. And there is also great worship. Sharing human suffering is the means of attaining paradise. Covering a wounded heart with compassion and love is a means of pleasing Allah. Cooperating with the debtor is a major reason for receiving Allah’s mercy and blessings. Visiting the sick is the right of a Muslim and also a Sunnah of the Prophet. Feeding the hungry is a sign of great goodness and faith.

As our beloved Prophet said
’’Whoever feeds and gives water to one of his brothers, Allah will remove him from the Fire of Hell at a distance of seven trenches, and there is a distance of five hundred years between them. The trenches
(Hakim al-Mustadrik Ali al-Sahiheen, Volume: 2, Hadith: 7172)

Some people only have their own interests and desires in mind, they take advantage of others, but they don’t want to be of use to anyone. Some people have a passion for service but do not find a way and eventually the passion dies, almost everyone believes that one should have passion and desire to serve the needy, but sadly, this is rarely seen in practice. Because without it the problems of the society cannot be solved, so service is a common responsibility of all of us.

As Prophet Muhammad said (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
“The best of you is the one who benefits others.”
(Kanzul-Amal Volume: 8, Hadith Number: 42154)


Good News of Heaven

It is mentioned in the hadith that one day in the assembly, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked the Companions.

 You (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked:- Who attended the funeral today?
Sayyidna Abu Bakr (Radiyallhu Anh) said:- I

He said:- Who fed the hungry today?
Sayyidna Abu Bakr said:- I

You asked again:- Who fasted today for the pleasure of Allah?
Sayyidna Abu Bakr said:- I

You asked once again:- Who visited the patient today?
ayyidna Abu Bakr (Radi Allahu Anhu) said:- I

He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever has these four things is a paradise.”

“Whoever relieves the suffering of his brother from the sufferings of this world, Allah Almighty will relieve his suffering on the Day of Resurrection, and whoever finds relief for someone who is suffering, Allah Almighty will make it easier for him. ..”

(Sahih Muslim 2699a : Book 48, Hadith 48)

There is no difference between a Muslim and a non-Muslim in serving people, yes the compassion for a Muslim is greater (because he is closer to you). But if a non-Muslim deserves sympathy and help, he should also be helped and never ignore the fact that everyone is God’s creation and servant.

Let us pledge from today that we will help others according to our ability whenever we get a chance and deserve Allah’s pleasure and closeness.

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